Taurus New Moon in Gate 2

The new moon in Taurus is on May 7th at 8:21 pm Pacific and is activating Gate 2, the Gate of Higher Knowing.  


This is one of the best new moons of the year with it being the first after the eclipse season and Mercury stationing direct. The Moon also loves being in Taurus. Taurus is known as the place of the Moon’s exaltation.  


In astrology, there is a fundamental concept known as essential dignity which refers to the strength or power that a planet has in a particular sign of the zodiac. 


There are several essential dignities, each of which indicates a different level of strength or effectiveness for a planet:


Rulership (Domicilie): Each of the 12 signs has a planetary ruler.  When that planet is in a sign that it rules, it is considered to be particularly strong and capable of expressing its energy fully. This is where it feels most at home. 


Exaltation: Exaltation is a position of heightened influence...

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Contemplations on Purpose

Last month with the Sun moving through Aries as well as the North Node, Chiron and solar eclipse activating gate 51 in Aries, I began reflecting on the sphere of my Purpose, which is in Aries. 


My Purpose (unconscious Earth) is in Gate 42, at 22 degrees Aries. This is my only activation in Aries, which is my 2nd House of money, finances, material possessions, values, self worth, and personal resources. 


With the Nodes currently being in Aries and Libra, we’re collectively going through a calibration of the Aries-Libra axis. This axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-assertion and cooperation, independence and compromise. It reflects the tension between the need for self-assertion and the desire for harmonious relationships.


With the North Node being in Aries and the South Node in Libra, excess Libra energy is being released and let go so we can expand and evolve more of the qualities of Aries. However,...

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Solar Eclipse in Gate 51

The Solar Eclipse is happening on April 8th at 11:20am Pacific and will be activating gate 51, the Gate of Shock, which is also currently transiting the Sun, North Node, and Chiron. 


A solar eclipse will always occur close to the North Node, but isn't always in the same gate. However, this solar eclipse is happening with the Sun, Moon, North Node and Chiron all in gate 51. 


Solar eclipses are seen as potent times for initiating new beginnings, taking risks, and moving forward in life. They often coincide with opportunities for personal growth and advancement. 


With the Nodes and eclipses being on the Aries-Libra axis, we’re going through a recalibration of honoring our personal needs and boundaries while also considering the perspectives and needs of others.


This axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-assertion and cooperation, independence and compromise. It reflects the tension between the...

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Difficulties in Deconditioning

One of the things that I didn’t hear discussed when I started learning about and experimenting with Human Design and the Gene Keys was how challenging the process of deconditioning can actually be. 


These systems were presented as having all of the answers to understanding myself at a soul level. All I had to do was learn the system and start living as my true self to unlock more satisfaction and flow in my life. 


It all sounded incredible and like exactly what I had been searching for my whole life. 


As someone with an undefined G-center and gate 28 four times (Personality South Node, Design Mercury and both Pluto placements), I’ve been searching for my life’s purpose, the meaning of life, and a deeper understanding of who I am for as long as I can remember. 


Discovering Human Design and the Gene Keys felt like coming home to a knowing that had been within myself all along. It was a homecoming to my true self. 

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