Solar Eclipse in Gate 51

The Solar Eclipse is happening on April 8th at 11:20am Pacific and will be activating gate 51, the Gate of Shock, which is also currently transiting the Sun, North Node, and Chiron. 


A solar eclipse will always occur close to the North Node, but isn't always in the same gate. However, this solar eclipse is happening with the Sun, Moon, North Node and Chiron all in gate 51. 


Solar eclipses are seen as potent times for initiating new beginnings, taking risks, and moving forward in life. They often coincide with opportunities for personal growth and advancement. 


With the Nodes and eclipses being on the Aries-Libra axis, we’re going through a recalibration of honoring our personal needs and boundaries while also considering the perspectives and needs of others.


This axis highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-assertion and cooperation, independence and compromise. It reflects the tension between the...

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