Pisces New Moon in Gate 22

The New Moon in Pisces is on March 10th at 5am Eastern and is activating gate 22, the Gate of Openness.  At the time of the new moon, the Sun, Moon, Saturn and Neptune will all be in Pisces.  Mercury will have just left Pisces and entered Aries. 


Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. As the final sign, Pisces has seen and been through it all.  This leads to deep wisdom that is gained through the experiences of the preceding eleven signs. It represents the accumulation of knowledge and lessons learned throughout the astrological year.


The symbol for Pisces ♓ is two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by a cord. This represents going between fantasy & reality and the duality and depth of the Piscean nature. It can also signify the struggle between the material world and the spiritual realm, or the balance between conflicting emotions and desires.


Pisces is considered a deeply spiritual and transcendent sign. It signifies the soul's journey towards spiritual enlightenment and the dissolution of boundaries between the self and the divine. It's a sign that encourages a connection with higher consciousness and universal truths.


The traditional ruler of Pisces is Juptier, the planet of expansion and philosophy. Since its discovery, Neptune has been considered the ruler of Pisces by many modern astrologers. Neptune represents illusion, dreams, spirituality, and the subconscious.


Pisces is a mutable water sign. Mutable signs occur at the end of a season and are associated with flexibility, adaptability, and a willingness to change. Water signs are associated with emotions, intuition, and sensitivity. 


As a mutable water sign, Pisces can be very adaptable and go with the flow. It’s very empathetic and deeply attuned to the feelings of others. However, this adaptability and emotional sensitivity can lead to a lack of clear boundaries and absorbing the emotions of others.  


When faced with difficulties or harsh realities, Pisces may tend to escape into their own world of dreams and fantasies. This escapism can manifest in various ways, including through art, daydreaming, or even addictive behaviors.


As the zodiac cycle concludes with Pisces, it sets the stage for the renewal and rebirth associated with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Pisces represents the final moments of introspection and reflection before embarking on a new journey.


This New Moon in Pisces is the final moon before we enter into eclipse season with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th and is a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds for the new astrological year before we enter Aries season on March 21st. 


The 22nd Hexagram is known as Grace or Adorning and is made up of the elements of Mountain over Fire, which symbolizes a fire burning at the foot of a mountain. This is an image of a flame that shines upwards, adorning or gracing the mountain with its light and beauty.  


The Gate of Openness is located in the Emotional Solar Plexus, reaching for gate 12 in the Throat forming the Channel of Openness, which is a part of the Knowing Circuit (Individual). This is one of only 3 Manifested Channels in the Bodygraph.  


This gate is about transmitting the emotional spirit of the individual to others as a mood. When the emotional wave is high- this can be a very social, expressive, magnetic, and charismatic energy. 


However, when the wave is on a low, it can be very antisocial and disgraceful in how it expresses itself. It’s important to honor your mood because of the impact that it can have on others. 


It's connected to the left ear and only hears what it feels like hearing- this is according to the emotional wave. If you want to know something fully, you need to hear it multiple times over a period of time- otherwise you will miss aspects of it based on your mood at that time.


The 22nd Gene Key reveals the true meaning and purpose of suffering, which is grace. It describes the divine essence that we come from and the process of involution. Involution is the means by which Grace- the Divine essence that lies beyond all understanding- incarnates into form. It’s the counter force to evolution, which is represented by the 55th Gene Key.  


From the view of involution, all things are predestined and there is no such thing as free will because everything is simply playing out according to some higher plan by a greater organizing intelligence.  This is about invoking inspiration as something higher that already lies within us is uncovered.  


The 22nd Shadow of Dishonor is about not honoring your emotions, moods, or impact they can have on others, which prevents you from accepting how you feel.


“From the point of view of the 22nd Gene Key, every feeling, mood, or thought you have is put there by God for you to trust in.” -Richard Rudd, 22nd Gene Key


This is about learning to trust in your emotions and allow them to simply pass through you rather than trying to change or fix them.  To reach higher states of consciousness, you have to pass through your own suffering. 


The 22nd Gift of Graciousness is about living your life to the fullest while maintaining a deep respect and consideration for the feelings of others. You act with grace and consideration in everything that you do.


You know how to balance your respect for others with a healthy dose of self-respect by not allowing yourself to become a victim to anyone else's emotions. You live your life from a place of deep love and soul.


This balance between self love and service makes you someone who understands the power of suffering. Because of these qualities, others will often seek out your guidance and authority.


This isn't about just being polite or courteous of others. It's a very subtle and refined energy that manifests as an attitude that is held in your aura, which is rooted in a deep reverence for all of life.


Graciousness comes from your ability to take accountability for your own aura, your emotions, and your actions so that you can move cleanly throughout the world, without creating more and more negative karma for future generations.


The 22nd Siddhi of Grace is the breath of the Divine and is something that is earned through Graciousness.  This is about finding graciousness in the face of suffering- to see suffering as holy.  


This is a presence that will descend on humanity, but like all of the other Siddhis, it requires us to meet it halfway. This is the merging of the processes of evolution and involution- where we aspire to something greater by taking responsibility for our own karma, which allows our greater divine nature to involve fully into our physical form. 


Grace is something that is always there waiting for us. All we have to do is embrace our unique slice of suffering.  Wherever there is oppression (the 47th Shadow), there is the opportunity for Grace.  


“There is nowhere you can hide in this universe.  Everything is heard and recorded. Neither can you hide from Grace. Grace is your true nature. It is your inheritance.  It is the soul of the world…If Grace touches you, you no longer have your own destiny but become a musical instrument tuned and played by the Gods.”  -Richard Rudd, 22nd Gene Key


Graciousness leads to Grace. These are moments that lift us up out of our suffering. These are the moments where something miraculous happens to remind us that we're always being held and supported by the Cosmic Mother.


This key contains the codes for healing all of humanity's wounds. It's connected to the Venus Sequence and 7 Sacred Seals- representing the 7th Seal, which heals both individual core wounds and the collective karmic wounds of humanity.


Contemplation Prompts for the New Moon in Gate 22:

🌙 What emotion or mood have I been ignoring or rejecting that I’m ready to embrace?

🌙 How can I consider of others needs while still honoring my own feelings?

🌙 When was a moment that I experienced Grace in my life?


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