The Sub-Circuits & Format Channels

A few weeks ago, we talked about the 3 main circuits in Human Design that describe the routes that the energy flows within the chart.  


Each of the 3 main circuits have 2 sub-circuits within it: 



    1. Knowing: Includes the Channels of Awareness, Assimilation, Inspiration, the Beat, Mutation, Struggle, the Brainwave, Openness, and Emoting 
    2. Centering: Includes the Channels of Initiation and Exploration 



    1. Ego: Includes the Channels of Transformation, Surrender, the Money Line, Community and Synthesis 
    2. Defense: Includes the Channels of Mating and Preservation  



    1. Understanding: Includes the Channels of Logic, Acceptance, the Wavelength, Judgement, Concentration, Rhythm and the Alpha 
    2. Sensing: Includes the Channels of Abstraction, Curiosity, Transitoriness, Recognition, Maturation, Discovery and the Prodigal  


There is also a collection of channels known as...

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