Virgo Full Moon in Gate 59

The Full Moon in Virgo on Saturday, February 24th is the last full moon before the first eclipse season of 2024 begins.  


Eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun, and Moon align in such a way that one celestial body casts a shadow on the other. There are two types of eclipses: solar eclipses and lunar eclipses. 


Solar eclipses occur during the New Moon when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, partially or completely blocking the Sun's light. Lunar eclipses occur during the Full Moon when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to be cast on the Moon.  


Eclipses usually occur in pairs, separated by about two weeks, during specific times of the year known as eclipse seasons. Eclipse seasons typically happen a couple times a year. During these periods, there is a heightened potential for change and transformation. It’s a time where things that were hidden come to light.


The first eclipse of the year will be a lunar eclipse on March 24th followed by a solar eclipse on April 8th.  


Eclipse season is not the time to do any rituals around the moon such as releasing or setting intentions, but rather a time to slow down, pause and reflect on what is brought to the light. 


Since this is the last full moon before eclipse season, this is a wonderful opportunity to release and let go of anything that is preventing you from being more intimate and transparent with yourself and others.  It’s an opportunity to release perfectionism and the desire to control the outcome.  


Ground into the truth that you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. Life doesn’t need to be perfect, and, most importantly, you don’t need to make the perfect decision every time.   


This Full Moon in Virgo serves as a reminder that embracing a mindset of self-love and acceptance aligns us with our most authentic talents. By recognizing the distinct facets of our being, we empower ourselves to share genuine contributions with the world.


The Full Moon is activating gate 59, the Gate of Sexuality.


The 59th Hexagram is known as Dispersion and is made up of the elements of Wind over Water.  Wind blows over the water dispersing waves that reach far and wide.  Wind and water are able to penetrate anything- even the most impermeable objects.  


The Gate of Sexuality, is located in the Sacral center reaching for gate 6 in the Emotional Solar Plexus creating the Channel of Mating, which is a part of the Defense (Tribal) Circuit.  


Gate 59 is about the genetic imperative to reproduce, bond, and be fertile. With it being in the Sacral center, it’s important that it responds rather than initiates jumping into a relationship prematurely, otherwise it will stay on the surface of intimacy rather than penetrating the core of another being. 


It has the ability to break down barriers to achieve union with another. It's also connected to birthing something creatively and the creative process because it's a law that life must always create life. 


The 59th Shadow is Dishonesty, which isn’t just about lying to others, but about keeping a part of yourself hidden from others. This isn’t something that is necessarily done consciously. It’s part of our genetic programming to keep part of ourselves hidden. This is what creates sexual chemistry in a relationship.


“The truth is that the moment you stop being afraid of someone, you transcend your sexual attraction to them.  The fear provides the necessary friction that makes attraction possible.  This is why the 59th Shadow is Dishonesty.  As long as we keep something of ourselves hidden from the other there is always something left to fear.” -Richard Rudd, 59th Gene Key


This is why when you get too comfortable with someone in an intimate relationship, the sparks usually die off as well and there is less sexual chemistry.


This shadow can manifest as feeling excluded from your community. It’s a way of shutting others out from fear of losing control. It can also manifest as being intrusive where you physically or emotionally invade someone else’s aura. This type of person tries to dominate their relationships in order to avoid rejection.  This makes it hard for them to stay with anyone who is honest enough to challenge them.  


The 59th Gift of Intimacy is about taking out the genetic laundry. You have the courage to look into your fears and wherever you're dishonest in your life.


Intimacy is unlocked when you acknowledge and embrace your fears, especially in relationships. It's built on honesty and acceptance of the shadow states in yourself and others.


Intimacy is the by-product of inner transformation. It's something that's revealed from within as you become more honest and compassionate with yourself and others. 


The mutation that is occurring in the Emotional Solar Plexus, triggered by the 55th, its programming partner, will allow the higher functioning of our sexuality to emerge. When the power of our sexuality is fully embraced, it opens us to a higher state of being. 


The sexual power of the 59th is both creative and destructive. It destroys any interference patterns that separate us. This sexual flowering occurs in divine timing and cannot be forced. It comes in its own time. 


The 59th Siddhi of Transparency is emerging through the mutation of the Emotional Solar Plexus which will open the heart center of humanity. 


“Transparency is what remains when evolution becomes meaningless.”  -Richard Rudd, 59th Gene Key


The purpose of the 59th Gene Key is to break down all barriers that stand in the way of union. It’s the master key in the Ring of Union.  


The 4th, 7th, 29th and 59th Gene Keys make up the Codon Ring of Union and code for the amino acid Valine in the body. The ultimate role of this codon ring is to bring the human family into the realization of our higher union. 


This codon ring is currently undergoing a mutation in our DNA which is directly responsible for a huge shift in the way humans relate, particularly through our sexuality and gender.


The sequence leading to Transparency begins with Forgiveness (4th Siddhi), which leads to Virtue (7th Siddhi) and the Devotion (29th Siddhi).  Once you have forgiven yourself using your relationships as a mirror, you unlock the virtue within you.  Virtue leads you to pour yourself into others because you recognize the same Divine source within everyone.  This devotion is the pathway to transparency.  


“Our first step is to let our barriers down and look deeply into our fears.  Even our deepest genetic fears- such as the fear of losing our loved ones- act as subtle barriers that keep us from realizing that our genes are not exclusive but inclusive. Every man and woman is our genetic brother and sister and no single individual, family, tribe or nation is an island.  We are all one genetic tribe moving through a huge transformative period in history, the end result of which will be the realization of our unity.”  -Richard Rudd, 59th Gene Key


Contemplation prompts for New Moon in Gate 59:

🌙Where am I not allowing others to fully see the real me? What’s holding me back?

🌙How can I be more honest and compassionate with myself?

🌙What does transparency look like in my intimate relationships?


Create a personalized ritual and follow the transits so you can witness the magic of the 64 gates come alive with the 2024 Transit Guide



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