Eclipse Season 2024

We’ve officially entered into the 1st eclipse season of 2024 as the Sun moved into Aries. Eclipses occur close to the nodes, which are currently on the Aries-Libra axis, specifically in gates 51 and 57.  


When the Sun enters Aries or Libra this year, we’ll enter into an eclipse season. The first eclipse of the year will be a lunar eclipse on March 25th in Libra followed by a solar eclipse on April 8th in Aries.


Eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun, and Moon align in such a way that one celestial body casts a shadow on the other. There are two types of eclipses: solar eclipses and lunar eclipses. 


When an eclipse occurs near the North Node, it's considered a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses close to the North Node are seen as potent times for initiating new beginnings, taking risks, and moving forward in life. They often coincide with opportunities for personal growth and advancement.


Solar eclipses occur when the New Moon aligns closely with one of the lunar nodes, resulting in the Sun, Moon, and Earth forming a straight line. This alignment intensifies the energy of the eclipse.


Eclipses near the South Node are lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses near the South Node are seen as times for reflection, letting go of old patterns, and releasing attachments that no longer serve our growth. They may bring closure to certain situations or relationships, allowing space for new opportunities to emerge.


Lunar eclipses happen when the Full Moon aligns closely with one of the lunar nodes, causing the Earth's shadow to obscure the Moon. They often coincide with shifts in awareness, emotional revelations, and the resolution of past issues.


During eclipse season, there is a heightened potential for change and transformation. It’s a time where things that were hidden come to light.


With all eclipses, you’ll likely experience it more significantly if it closely interacts with key points in your natal chart.


For the lunar eclipse on March 25th, if you have any placements at 5°07- especially in Libra, Aries, Capricorn or Cancer (Cross of Service- gates 17, 18, 52, 58), you’ll be the most impacted by this eclipse. If you have a Cardinal rising sign or Nodes, you’ll also be impacted by this eclipse. 


The astrological house that this eclipse is occurring in your chart can provide insights into the area of life that might be influenced.


Collectively, we’re experiencing a balancing of the Aries-Libra axis within our own chart. Excess Libra energy is being released and let go so we can expand and evolve more of the qualities of Aries.  


The Aries-Libra axis represents the balance between the self (Aries) and the other (Libra). This axis is significant because it highlights the dynamic interplay between individuality and partnership, self-assertion and cooperation, independence and compromise. It reflects the tension between the need for self-assertion and the desire for harmonious relationships.


Finding a balance between Aries and Libra energies involves honoring one's own needs and boundaries while also considering the perspectives and needs of others.


The lunar eclipse on March 25th is activating gate 18, the Gate of Correction.


The 18th Hexagram is known as Remedying or Work on What Has Been Spoiled and is made up of the elements of Mountain over Wind.  


It symbolizes the proper attitude that is needed to remedy a difficult situation.  No matter how difficult a situation, there is always a way to work it out, and the attitude you approach it with is the key to success.  


The Gate of Correction is located in the Spleen reaching for gate 58 in the Root, forming the Channel of Judgement, which is a part of the Understanding/ Logical Circuit (Collective).  


This gate is about discovering, naming, and challenging the flaws in things so they can be improved for the collective. This is a logical gate that naturally knows when a pattern is flawed and how it can be corrected.


Correction and improvement are a lifelong process and something that should be channeled out into the collective rather than onto yourself as self-judgment or criticism.  


It's through this gate that we receive the deepest conditioning from our parent of the opposite sex. The imprinting that occurs through this gate form the conditioned standards that create the basis from which we compare everything. 


The conditioning from our parents is actually the source of our criticism. Within this gate is the fear of challenging that authority and being judged by others for not being perfect. 


The 18th Shadow of Judgement can manifest as either inferiority where you judge yourself harshly or superiority where you judge others harshly and constantly feel a need to challenge authority figures.


Judgment is the way the mind thinks and organizes what it takes in from the world. All judgment is rooted in opinion (the 17th shadow) and causes you to feel like you have to defend yourself and always be right because you are so identified with what your mind thinks.  Your judgements begin to define your identity and make you feel more secure. 


The truth is that all judgment is rooted in self-judgment. You either judge yourself as better than (superior) or less than (inferior) another person.  


A part of breaking out of the 18th shadow is to shift your perspective to see everything in your life as a mirror of an internal process that is seeking resolution. This is why the highest aspect of this Gene Key is Perfection- you understand that life is always offering you a mirror to see the pathway to the realization of your own perfection. 


The 18th Gift of Integrity is the ability to stay true to yourself and values even in the face of judgment and opinion from others. The secret to this gift is to be able to hold space without reacting to your judgements or self-judgements.  


Integrity is learning to judge from the heart rather than the mind. It uses the power of judgment in an objective and impersonal way. You demand and maintain a high standard in everything you do. Integrity's sole purpose is to serve the whole in the spirit of truth and compassion.


Integrity knows that underneath all of life is perfection but that on the surface there is still work to be done for that perfection to be realized.


The 18th Siddhi of Perfection is the highest vision that a human being can aim for, which comes from a deep desire to be of service to the collective. This is because this siddhi understands that for perfection to occur, it has to occur within each being. 


We cannot achieve perfection until the whole is healed and liberated. Once our inner state has been perfected, the external world will start to reflect that same perfection. 


“The 18th Siddhi actually serves a very mystical purpose- it heals the split in the mental plane itself bringing humanity closer and closer to its realization of oneness. It cannot and will not sit still until this great rift in the world mind has been healed.”  -Richard Rudd, 18th Gene Key


With the lunar eclipse occurring in Gate 18, this is an opportunity to reflect on the ways that your self judgment might interfere with you honoring, trusting and following in your inner authority.  


Contemplation Prompts for Gate 18:

🌑What judgments of myself or others am I ready to release and let go of?

🌑What are my soul's values? Does anything need to shift or align so that I can be in integrity with my soul's values?

🌑How can I recognize and honor my own perfection in this moment?


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