A 6-month mastermind where coaches transform into EMBODIED LEADERS by energetically aligning with their highest self so they can stand-out and sell from their authentic truth.


Attention All Soul Driven Entrepreneurs! 


Your highest self is calling.


Will you leave her on read or will you answer the call?


Are you sick of feeling like your business is running you instead of you running your business?


Have you gained some momentum in your business but can’t seem to stabilize this breakthrough so you’re generating inconsistent income?


Are you tired of just copying other coaches strategies instead of discovering what works best for you?


Are you ready to own your soul’s purpose and elevate your income and impact?


Do you want to learn how you can embody your Human Design and apply your genius to your life’s work?


If so, then you’ve come to the right place. 



There's a Huge Shift Happening Right Now In The Coaching Industry


Business used to be dominated (and in many aspects still is) by masculine energy.  


In recent years as our awareness has been brought to the toxic expression of masculine energy, many business owners have swung completely to the other side and run their business with more feminine energy. 


There has been a huge increase in spiritual business coaches as business owners begin to realize that only focusing on strategy and constantly pushing and forcing doesn’t work.  


Masculine energy has gotten a bad rap which has caused many business owners to ignore its necessity in business.  


Both masculine and feminine energy is needed to build, scale, and manage a successful business. 


We need the masculine energy to get things done, focus on the details and  build the systems and structures to keep the business organized. 


Feminine energy opens us to receive and focus on building community and collaboration instead of competition


You cannot embrace ease and flow in your business if you do not have the proper systems in place that allow you to flow. 


You need the onboarding systems, the legal contracts and payment systems in place so that you can fully step into your role as an embodied leader. 


The first Hexagram in the I-Ching represents the primary masculine archetype.   Gate 1 is the gate of creativity and self expression.

The Shadow of Gate 1 is 


which is about not allowing yourself to feel your emotions and thus blocking creativity and self expression to flow through you. 


The reactive side of this shadow is freneticThis occurs when you try to do whatever you can to suppress what is going on within you.  


When you allow your emotions to flow through you instead of trying to run away from them, you move into the gift of FRESHNESS.  


Freshness is the creativity that emerges when you allow your emotions to move through you.  When you are feeling low or down, this is actually a fertile place for something new to emerge as long as you allow yourself to feel. 


The 2nd Hexagram in the I-Ching is the primary feminine archetype.  Gate 2 is all about receptivity.

The Shadow of Gate 2 is


This occurs when you feel as though you are disconnected from yourself, others, and source. 


All fears are born out of this feeling of dislocation and all shadow states are rooted in fear.  For this reason, you can say that all shadows are born out of the 2nd shadow of dislocation.


The gift of gate 2 is ORIENTATION,  which is about being at the right place at the right time.  


Instead of feeling dislocated, you feel grounded and connected to yourself, others, and source. 


You attract synchronicities and your soul community. 


You are open to receive and move from a place of flow and grace. 


This is leading from the divine feminine. 


Leading from the divine feminine requires a stable creative force that comes from gate 1, the primary masculine archetype. 


Inside the Embodied Sisterhood, we provide the perfect combination of business strategy and spirituality so that you can balance both your feminine and masculine energies. 


We incorporate various modalities such as Human Design, Gene Keys, and voice activation so you not only transform your mindset, but you actually transform your life by energetically aligning with your highest self and stabilizing this breakthrough within your body.


Most programs only focus on one or the other: 

Strategy or spirituality


Taking action or embracing flow but both are needed in order to build and scale a successful business that can fulfil your life’s purpose and that’s what you’ll receive when you join The Embodied Sisterhood.


  You’re ready to create more bliss and flow in your business instead of overwhelm and burnout.


  You want to build a solid foundation for your business to grow from so you can get off the income rollercoaster and create consistent revenue. 


  You’re looking for the perfect combination of business strategy and spirituality so you can balance your masculine and femine energy and  become a magnet for all your desires without having to take on more work (work smarter, not harder).


 You’re ready to stand-out from all the other coaches out there, own your unique genius and fully step into your power.

  You’re ready to become the thought leader, the go-to expert, and the trailblazer who does things her own unique way..

  You desire a community of sisters who are on the same journey as you that is collaborative instead of competitive.

  You desire to be seen and held by coaches who are not just talking the talk but also embody what they teach and reflect the greatness within you so it can be brought to the surface and shared with the world.

  You want to create systems and processes in your business that align with your design instead of forcing yourself to do something just because someone said you should.


The Embodied Sisterhood is NOT Right For You If:

✘ You have not started a business yet and still need clarity on what your purpose is


✘ You are not willing to be vulnerable within a community of other women so you can do the deep inner work that is necessary to step into your role as an embodied leader


✘ You’re looking for a cookie-cutter 5-step system or process to build and scale your business


✘ You’re not interested in learning how to incorporate Human Design or Gene Keys into your business


✘ You’re looking for quick results or a bandaid to put over the issues in your business instead of getting to the root of the problem.

This Mastermind Is Unlike Any Other Program In The Business Coaching Industry


The Embodied Sisterhood takes you through a journey into the 6 profile lines so you can unlock your unique gifts as well as strengthen the areas in business that don’t come to you as naturally. 

We all have each of the 6 lines within our Human Design chart, even if they are not in our profile.

All of these energies are needed in order to fully step into your power in business. 


You will naturally embody some of these energies easier than others, but all are necessary within your business. 


You have something the world needs.  It’s all about getting the right support so that you can fully step into that.  


That’s exactly what you’ll receive inside The Embodied Sisterhood.

There are 2 pathways within The Embodied Sisterhood:

The Investigator and The Visionary 

                                   is about learning and implementing through taking messy action and feeling your fears and doing it anyway!  


On this path, you will embody the archetypes of the lower trigram (the investigator, the natural, and the experimenter)  and build a solid foundation for your business so that you can step into your role as an embodied leader and embrace more flow in your business. 


Once you have moved through the path of the Investigator, you move into the path of the Visionary.  



                               is where you step into your role as an embodied leader through embodying the archetypes of the upper trigram: the networker, the leader, and the visionary. 


This is where you start to expand your reach through collaborations and getting on other platforms, build a team to support you so you can stay in your zone of genius, and fine tune your product suite, systems, and strategies to align more with your highest self. 


Once enrolled in The Embodied Sisterhood, you will be placed on either the Investigator or Visionary pathway, depending on where you’re at in your business. 


This is designed to reduce confusion and overwhelm so you can focus on what’s important and take action so you can step into your role as an embodied leader. 


If you start on the Investigator pathway, you can move into the Visionary pathway at any time throughout your 6 month journey as long as you have built a foundation for your business. 


We are giving you the keys to build, grow, and run a successful business and you’re in the driver's seat!  How fast and how far you travel along the pathway is up to you! 


Each step along the pathway of the Embodied Sisterhood has a variety of video trainings, PDF guides, mediations, and sound healings to help you learn and integrate what you need to move to the next step.   


Being an Embodied Sister means you get access to all of the resources you need to build, scale, and run a successful business.  


I am always adding new trainings and resources as I continue to expand my business. If there is not a training in the course library that you need, I will create one! 


This 6-month mastermind is designed for you to EMBODY:

Your Genius so you can unlock your unique gifts and step into your soul’s purpose.

Your Inner Child so you can open your heart and lead from wholeness.

Your Prosperity so you can be abundantly supported in your life’s work.

Your Mission so you can stabilize your breakthrough and be grounded in your purpose.

✔ Your Leadership so you can shine your light at full wattage and make the impact you were sent here to create. 

Your Unity so you can create synarchy within your business instead of division.




Each month in The Embodied Sisterhood, one of these themes will be the focus of the month’s curriculum.


You will not only LEARN strategies and tools, but you will also INTEGRATE what you’ve learned and transform on an energetic level.


This is how you make quantum leaps: by integrating while you’re learning instead of just consuming more and more information. 



Imagine this:


6-months from now your dream life and business are no longer a dream… it’s your reality! 


You’ve let go of all of the conditioning and limiting beliefs about who you “should be” and are embodying the highest version of yourself. 

You’re showing up with confidence online and attracting soulmate clients just by being your authentic self. 


You have a clear path to follow which allows you to take inspired action, face your fears, and become a  leader in your industry.


You are being recognized for your knowledge and wisdom and feel more fulfilled than ever before in your business. 


You’re surrounded by your business besties cheering you on and expanding what you believe is possible. 


This doesn’t have to just be a fantasy.  This can be your reality! 


All of this and more is possible inside of The Embodied Sisterhood!


Unlike other programs where you are overwhelmed with more information and training then you can even start to implement, The Embodied Sisterhood is structured so that you can actually take in the information you’re receiving and put it into action. 

After you enroll in The Embodied Sisterhood, you will be placed on either the Investigator and Visionary pathway. 
You can move from the Investigator to Visionary at any time within the 6 months once you have created foundation from your business through taking inspired action.
We are giving you the keys to build, grow, and run a successful business and you’re in the driver's seat!  How fast and how far you travel along the pathway is up to you!

Next level transformation, without the
next level price tag!

$6,777 in full (Best Deal!) 

Payment plan: $1777 deposit +  6 payments of $888


Extended payment plans:

 $1777 deposit + 9 payments of $600

$1777 deposit + 12 payments of $475


Are you someone who likes to have her cake and eat it too?  Same here!

Get everything included in the mastermind PLUS:

  • 6, 60-minute private coaching calls with Randi to talk about business, Human Design, or Gene Keys
  • Be a guest on my podcast, The Uplifting Podcast, which has over 50,000 downloads and over 800 listeners per week


$8888 in full (best deal)

Payment plan: $2222 deposit +  6 payments of $1185

Extended payment plans:

$2222 deposit + 9 payments of $800

$2222 deposit + 12 payments of $625


But There's More!!!!


Customized Human Design Chart and welcome box ($250 value)


Everyone enrolled in The Embodied Sisterhood will receive a customized Human Design chart (as seen above, but personalized for you) along with a welcome box that includes a journal, pen, crystals, and more!


Aloha beautiful soul!

My name is Randi Lee and I am the head coach and creator of The Embodied Sisterhood.

I am a Human Design + Gene Keys business coach and host of the Uplifting Podcast.   I love guiding women to return home to the truth and power that is within.


I am not your typical online business coach.


In 2018 I started my business as a self love coach. 


Within 9 months, I scaled my business to 6-figures without a website or paid ads! All while still working a full time job!


In 2019, I left my full time job to go all in on my purpose and passion. 


Since then, I have served over 1,000 women through my courses, group programs, and mastermind.

But my journey was not always sunshine and rainbows, even though I live in Hawaii!


As someone who has an open G center- which is the identity center in the Human Design system, I can be a bit of a chameleon.


I can change my personality to fit into any social situation and I can make friends with just about anyone.


With having an undefined G-center, I don’t have a consistent sense of identity and it can take time to really discover my true purpose (especially with also having a 6/2 profile).


I’ve spent the majority of my life searching for who I was.  I so desperately wanted to be seen and accepted.


But deep down, I believed that I wasn’t good enough as I was.


I thought that something about me had to change in order to be worthy of the life I desired.


These shadows followed me into my early years as an entrepreneur.


I felt as though I had to be like all the other coaches I saw crushing it on Instagram if I wanted to be successful.


I crafted my message around what they were saying rather than speaking my authentic truth.


I created programs I wasn’t passionate or excited about just because I saw another coach have a successful launch with a similar program.


I started a free Facebook group, ran free 5-day challenges, spent weeks promoting free webinars that never converted to paying clients, and spent hundreds of hours on sales calls NOT because I wanted to but because I was told these things were necessary to make it in the online space…...




I believed there must be one secret strategy that I was missing or some other action step I wasn’t taking.


And once I discovered what that was, I would finally achieve the huge launches and monthly income I saw everyone else bragging about online. 


I invested in programs and coaches that were not the right fit because I so desperately thought they must have the answers.  They must know the secret strategy I have yet to discover.


But all those choices only resulted in me being more in debt, less clear on my message and purpose, burnt out, overwhelmed, and second guessing every decision I made.


I discovered Human Design in 2019 at a time where I was really struggling to feel confident in my ability.


Discovering Human Design liberated my true self from the shackles of constantly feeling like I was not enough or fear that if I stood in my power I would be too much.


I uncovered all of the ways that I had been acting from fear, scarcity, and my shadows.


I reconnected with my highest self and started following her guidance rather than the voice of my ego


I developed a deep trust within myself, with God and the Universe


Most importantly,  I uncovered MY NAKED TRUTH:  the real me when I stripped down all of the conditioning of who I thought I “should be” and finally gave myself permission to be my authentic self.


As a result of doing the unsexy work of looking at my shadows and the ways I had been showing up out of alignment, my business completely transformed.


I went from rollercoaster monthly revenue in 2019 that ranged from $3,000 to $11,000 to consistent 5-figure months and multiple 5-figure launches in 2020.


In the first 2 months of 2021 alone, my business has generated over $95k in revenue!


I’ve expanded my team to include 4 incredible support coaches and a full time online business manager.


The secret was not some special strategy or doing more externally. 


The secret to making quantum leaps in my business is ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT. 


Through becoming more and more of my true and authentic self, my business has grown in ways that I only dreamed of a year ago.  


And instead of pushing and forcing these things to happen, they have come through opening myself up to receive and becoming an energetic match for everything I desire. 


This shift has brought so much more bliss, joy, and freedom than ever before. 


And the same is possible for you inside The Embodied Sisterhood 



This is my SOUL'S WORK


Helping soul-driven service providers like yourself aspire to greatness, expand into your highest self, and transmute challenges into opportunities for growth is my zone of genius.


This is my Human Design chart.

My Life’s Work (conscious Sun) is gate 54, the gate of ambition and divine inspiration.

I am here to be a steward of divine inspiration and to give you permission to be ambitious and manifest your soul’s desires. 

My Purpose (unconscious Earth) is gate 42, the gate of conclusion/ finishing things.   

My purpose is less about what I am here to do and more about the level of consciousness I bring to my life’s work.

The gift frequency of this gate is EXPANSION. 
Through finishing things, you create more space in your life for something new to expand.  
As your business expands, you also expand your capacity to receive- this is how you create a sustainable business.  
I bring this consciousness of expansion into my life’s work of giving you permission EXPAND your ambition and DREAM BIGGER.  
There is no playing small when you are in my energy.

My Vocation (unconscious Mars) is gate 47, the gate of mindset.  

This is a core talent that I bring to my life’s work. 


Gate 47 is all about your ability to not allow inspiration to die because you don’t know “how” you’re going to make it a reality.  


This Gene Key is a part of the Ring of Alchemy.  “Alchemy is the natural destiny of human beings who live their life totally, embracing everything and holding nothing back.”


A core-talent that I bring to my life’s work is helping you alchemize your old stories, shadows, and limiting beliefs into your gifts and superpowers.

I have an open throat center.
Because of this, I am able to reflect and amplify your message.  This is powerful in helping you get clarity around the messaging and marketing of your offers.
I also have an undefined G-center.
This center is responsible for our sense of self, identity, and life direction. 


With having this undefined, I am able to reflect and amplify your authentic self and identity so you can show up as your true self and gain clarity on your life’s purpose.

This is why helping my clients aspire to greatness, expand into their highest self, and transmute challenges into opportunities for growth is what I was born to do!  
It is something that brings me so much joy and fulfillment and I cannot wait to share these gifts with you inside The Embodied Sisterhood.

This is why helping my clients aspire to greatness, expand into their highest self, and transmute challenges into opportunities for growth is what I was born to do!


It is something that brings me so much joy and fulfillment and I cannot wait to share these gifts with you inside The Embodied Sisterhood.


Meet Your Support Coaches

When you join The Embodied Sisterhood you’ll receive support from not just me, but 4 other support coaches.

Lucie is the lead support coach and hosts an monthly embodiment call every month. She is here to support you in finding your own unique voice, unleashing your creative expression and connecting you with your power of imagination. 


You came here with a super power and it is Lucie’s passion to bring that into the world with you.


The intention of our monthly embodiment calls is to deepen what we learned throughout this powerful journey in the Embodied Sisterhood Mastermind and integrate it into our bodies on a cellular level, while releasing any kind of blockages that show up along the way. 


With the help of breath work, vocal toning, guided meditation and short one on one intuitive energy healing in a group setting we will bring your knowledge from your head into your heart and connect you to your heart. 


Lucie’s background is in theatre, Gestalt-Therapy, music and art and has had the privilege to study the healing power of sound and frequency with amazing teachers around the world. 


Her intention is to provide a safe container for healing and transformation. 


Lucie is originally from Hamburg Germany but currently lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with her husband, Matt and black lab, Bouncer.

Lucie’s Human Design Chart 

As a 1/3 Sacral Manifesting Generator, Lucie is here to help you feel safe taking bold action and stepping into the unknown.   


Her conscious Sun and Earth, gates 7 and 13 are connected to the true expression of leadership which is rooted in guidance and listening. 


She has a profound ability to listen to what your soul is trying to express and creates a space on her monthly embodiment calls to feel safe to express your soul’s message so you can become a more effective leader.

Steph is a multi-passionate Copywriter, Conversion Coach & Mentor for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Health & Wellness Coaches who are craving space to grow and evolve without the headache of a never-ending To Do List. 


She is here to support you in developing and perfecting your brand voice and increasing the impact of your content with your audience while creating massive revenue doing what you love.

Steph’s Human Design Chart 

As a 1/4 Refelector, Steph is here to act as a mirror to reflect the truth of you who are.  This is what makes her such an incredible copywriter- she is able to see your message, your voice, your identity, what lights you up and your emotions and translate that into content that converts! 


Her Purpose is in gate 8 whose gift is style.  Style is what makes you stand out from the crowd instead of trying to fit in.  This is the level of consciousness that she brings to the work she does as a copywriter.

Nicole’s superpower is money transformation.  She  went from in debt and financially stressed to raising her family’s liquid net worth to over a quarter of a million on an average yearly income of 57K per year. 


She helps high achievers crush their debt, save thousands, and become financially confident.


Nicole specializes in making money simple, negotiation mastery, and financial empowerment. 


She is the founder of Arise Financial Coaching and lives in Denver, CO with her husband and two children.

Nicole’s Human Design Chart 
Nicole is a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor.  Her superpower is initiating the flow of abundance into your life through empowering you with the tools to heal your relationship with money and take the necessary action to bring more money into your bank account. 


She has the 21/45 channel in her design which is known as the “money line.”  This channel is related to the ability to gather, protect & educate the tribe so it survives.  


Nicole is a beautiful expression of someone who is expressing this channel at a high frequency which manifests as  natural leadership and the gathering of resources for the greater good of the whole.  


She brings this energy into the work that she does within the mastermind to help you transform your own relationship with money so you can unlock true prosperity.

Often called a renaissance woman by their friends, VP Wright is a mother of two, author, serial creative entrepreneur, diversity, equity, and inclusion expert, anti-racism educator and certified life coach for creative entrepreneurs based out of houston, tx.


After completing their degree from washington state university, Wright began their journey in music business and entrepreneurship through her employment at cafeza, a multifaceted coffeeshop and music venue in the first ward.


Wright self-published her first chapbook, “You are enough: a tale of self-love and Healing” in may 2019, and in august 2019 launched her podcast and community “the Creative’s corner™️.”


Since launching their business, Wright has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs through 1:1, group, ecourses, and training containers, published two workbooks, “inclusive strategies for your coaching business” and “Instagram® for creatives.”


Wright has been featured in multiple publications for their work, including NPR, MSNBC, Now this Politics, Yahoo Finance, American Express, and Voyage houston.

VP’s Human Design Chart 

VP Wight is a 1/4 Sacral Generator.  Her superpower is helping you create an equitable and sustainable business and sell with integrity.  


Vee has the 26/44 channel which is all about selling with integrity.  Gate 26 is also her conscious Sun which makes up 70% of her personality and is her Life’s Work.  If there was a single gate that is responsible for sales it would be gate 26.


Gate 45 is her conscious Earth which grounds them in their Life’s Work.  Gate 45 is the gate of Distribution which is responsible for how you use your resources for the greater good of the whole.  


Vee is here to help you make more money so you can transform your own life but also create a more just and equal society for us all.  

They bring this energy into the work that they do within the mastermind to help you create businesses that actually make a difference in the world instead of contributing to the status quo. 

Watch this video to learn more about each one of these incredible women!
If you want to build a business that supports both your inner and outer growth, integrates spirituality + strategy, and guides you to embody your highest self, then this is the place where you want to be.

What Current and Past Clients Have to Say About 


Attention All

Soul Driven Entrepreneurs! 


Your highest self is calling.
Will you leave her on read or will you answer the call?
Are you sick of feeling like your business is running you instead of you running your business?
Have you gained some momentum in your business but can’t seem to stabilize this breakthrough so you’re generating inconsistent income?
Are you tired of just copying other coaches strategies instead of discovering what works best for you?
Are you ready to own your soul’s purpose and elevate your income and impact?
Do you want to learn how you can embody your Human Design and apply your genius to your life’s work?
If so, then you’ve come to the right place. 



There's a Huge Shift Happening Right Now In The Coaching Industry


Business used to be dominated (and in many aspects still is) by masculine energy.  


In recent years as our awareness has been brought to the toxic expression of masculine energy, many business owners have swung completely to the other side and run their business with more feminine energy. 


There has been a huge increase in spiritual business coaches as business owners begin to realize that only focusing on strategy and constantly pushing and forcing doesn’t work.  


Masculine energy has gotten a bad rap which has caused many business owners to ignore its necessity in business.  


Both masculine and feminine energy is needed to build, scale, and manage a successful business. 


We need the masculine energy to get things done, focus on the details and  build the systems and structures to keep the business organized. 


Feminine energy opens us to receive and focus on building community and collaboration instead of competition


You cannot embrace ease and flow in your business if you do not have the proper systems in place that allow you to flow. 


You need the onboarding systems, the legal contracts and payment systems in place so that you can fully step into your role as an embodied leader. 


The first Hexagram in the I-Ching represents the primary masculine archetype.   Gate 1 is the gate of creativity and self expression.

The Shadow of Gate 1 is Entrophy 


which is about not allowing yourself to feel your emotions and thus blocking creativity and self expression to flow through you. 


The reactive side of this shadow is freneticThis occurs when you try to do whatever you can to suppress what is going on within you.  


When you allow your emotions to flow through you instead of trying to run away from them, you move into the gift of FRESHNESS.  


Freshness is the creativity that emerges when you allow your emotions to move through you.  When you are feeling low or down, this is actually a fertile place for something new to emerge as long as you allow yourself to feel. 


The 2nd Hexagram in the I-Ching is the primary feminine archetype.  Gate 2 is all about receptivity.

The Shadow of Gate 2 is Dislocation


This occurs when you feel as though you are disconnected from yourself, others, and source. 


All fears are born out of this feeling of dislocation and all shadow states are rooted in fear.  For this reason, you can say that all shadows are born out of the 2nd shadow of dislocation.


The gift of gate 2 is ORIENTATION,  which is about being at the right place at the right time.  


Instead of feeling dislocated, you feel grounded and connected to yourself, others, and source. 


You attract synchronicities and your soul community. 


You are open to receive and move from a place of flow and grace. 


This is leading from the divine feminine. 


Leading from the divine feminine requires a stable creative force that comes from gate 1, the primary masculine archetype. 


Inside the Embodied Sisterhood, we provide the perfect combination of business strategy and spirituality so that you can balance both your feminine and masculine energies. 


We incorporate various modalities such as Human Design, Gene Keys, and voice activation so you not only transform your mindset, but you actually transform your life by energetically aligning with your highest self and stabilizing this breakthrough within your body.


Most programs only focus on one or the other: 

Strategy or spirituality


Taking action or embracing flow but both are needed in order to build and scale a successful business that can fulfil your life’s purpose and that’s what you’ll receive when you join The Embodied Sisterhood.


  You’re ready to create more bliss and flow in your business instead of overwhelm and burnout.


  You want to build a solid foundation for your business to grow from so you can get off the income rollercoaster and create consistent revenue. 


  You’re looking for the perfect combination of business strategy and spirituality so you can balance your masculine and femine energy and  become a magnet for all your desires without having to take on more work (work smarter, not harder).


 You’re ready to stand-out from all the other coaches out there, own your unique genius and fully step into your power.

  You’re ready to become the thought leader, the go-to expert, and the trailblazer who does things her own unique way..

  You desire a community of sisters who are on the same journey as you that is collaborative instead of competitive.

  You desire to be seen and held by coaches who are not just talking the talk but also embody what they teach and reflect the greatness within you so it can be brought to the surface and shared with the world.

  You want to create systems and processes in your business that align with your design instead of forcing yourself to do something just because someone said you should.


The Embodied Sisterhood is NOT Right For You If:

✘ You have not started a business yet and still need clarity on what your purpose is


✘ You are not willing to be vulnerable within a community of other women so you can do the deep inner work that is necessary to step into your role as an embodied leader


✘ You’re looking for a cookie-cutter 5-step system or process to build and scale your business


✘ You’re not interested in learning how to incorporate Human Design or Gene Keys into your business


✘ You’re looking for quick results or a bandaid to put over the issues in your business instead of getting to the root of the problem.

Imagine this:
6-months from now your dream life and business are no longer a dream… it’s your reality! 
You’ve let go of all of the conditioning and limiting beliefs about who you “should be” and are embodying the highest version of yourself. 
You’re showing up with confidence online and attracting soulmate clients just by being your authentic self. 
You have a clear path to follow which allows you to take inspired action, face your fears, and become a  leader in your industry.
You are being recognized for your knowledge and wisdom and feel more fulfilled than ever before in your business. 
You’re surrounded by your business besties cheering you on and expanding what you believe is possible. 
This doesn’t have to just be a fantasy.  This can be your reality! 
All of this and more is possible inside of The Embodied Sisterhood!

This Mastermind Is Unlike Any Other Program In The Business Coaching Industry


The Embodied Sisterhood takes you through a journey into the 6 profile lines so you can unlock your unique gifts as well as strengthen the areas in business that don’t come to you as naturally. 

We all have each of the 6 lines within our Human Design chart, even if they are not in our profile.

All of these energies are needed in order to fully step into your power in business. 


You will naturally embody some of these energies easier than others, but all are necessary within your business. 


You have something the world needs.  It’s all about getting the right support so that you can fully step into that.  


That’s exactly what you’ll receive inside The Embodied Sisterhood.

There are 2 pathways within The Embodied Sisterhood:

The Investigator and The Visionary 

is about learning and implementing through taking messy action and feeling your fears and doing it anyway!  


On this path, you will embody the archetypes of the lower trigram (the investigator, the natural, and the experimenter)  and build a solid foundation for your business so that you can step into your role as an embodied leader and embrace more flow in your business. 


Once you have moved through the path of the Investigator, you move into the path of the Visionary.  



 is where you step into your role as an embodied leader through embodying the archetypes of the upper trigram: the networker, the leader, and the visionary. 


This is where you start to expand your reach through collaborations and getting on other platforms, build a team to support you so you can stay in your zone of genius, and fine tune your product suite, systems, and strategies to align more with your highest self. 


Once enrolled in The Embodied Sisterhood, you will be placed on either the Investigator or Visionary pathway, depending on where you’re at in your business. 


This is designed to reduce confusion and overwhelm so you can focus on what’s important and take action so you can step into your role as an embodied leader. 


If you start on the Investigator pathway, you can move into the Visionary pathway at any time throughout your 6 month journey as long as you have built a foundation for your business. 


We are giving you the keys to build, grow, and run a successful business and you’re in the driver's seat!  How fast and how far you travel along the pathway is up to you! 


Each step along the pathway of the Embodied Sisterhood has a variety of video trainings, PDF guides, mediations, and sound healings to help you learn and integrate what you need to move to the next step.   


Being an Embodied Sister means you get access to all of the resources you need to build, scale, and run a successful business.  


I am always adding new trainings and resources as I continue to expand my business. If there is not a training in the course library that you need, I will create one! 


This 6-month mastermind is designed for you to EMBODY:

Your Genius so you can unlock your unique gifts and step into your soul’s purpose.

Your Inner Child so you can open your heart and lead from wholeness.

Your Prosperity so you can be abundantly supported in your life’s work.

Your Mission so you can stabilize your breakthrough and be grounded in your purpose.

✔ Your Leadership so you can shine your light at full wattage and make the impact you were sent here to create. 

Your Unity so you can create synarchy within your business instead of division.




Each month in The Embodied Sisterhood, one of these themes will be the focus of the month’s curriculum.


You will not only LEARN strategies and tools, but you will also INTEGRATE what you’ve learned and transform on an energetic level.


This is how you make quantum leaps: by integrating while you’re learning instead of just consuming more and more information. 


Unlike other programs where you are overwhelmed with more information and training then you can even start to implement, The Embodied Sisterhood is structured so that you can actually take in the information you’re receiving and put it into action. 

After you enroll in The Embodied Sisterhood, you will be placed on either the Investigator and Visionary pathway. 
You can move from the Investigator to Visionary at any time within the 6 months once you have created foundation from your business through taking inspired action.
We are giving you the keys to build, grow, and run a successful business and you’re in the driver's seat!  How fast and how far you travel along the pathway is up to you!

Next level transformation, without the
next level price tag!

$6,777 in full (Best Deal!) 

Payment plan: $1777 deposit +  6 payments of $888


Extended payment plans:

 $1777 deposit + 9 payments of $600

$1777 deposit + 12 payments of $475


Are you someone who likes to have her cake and eat it too?  Same here!

Get everything included in the mastermind PLUS:

  • 6, 60-minute private coaching calls with Randi to talk about business, Human Design, or Gene Keys
  • Be a guest on my podcast, The Uplifting Podcast, which has over 50,000 downloads and over 800 listeners per week


$8888 in full (best deal)

Payment plan: $2222 deposit +  6 payments of $1185

Extended payment plans:

$2222 deposit + 9 payments of $800

$2222 deposit + 12 payments of $625


But There's More!!!!

Customized Human Design Chart and welcome box ($250 value)


Everyone enrolled in The Embodied Sisterhood will receive a customized Human Design chart (as seen above, but personalized for you) along with a welcome box that includes a journal, pen, crystals, and more!


Aloha beautiful soul!

My name is Randi Lee and I am the head coach and creator of The Embodied Sisterhood.

I am a Human Design + Gene Keys business coach and host of the Uplifting Podcast.   I love guiding women to return home to the truth and power that is within.
I am not your typical online business coach.
In 2018 I started my business as a self love coach. 
Within 9 months, I scaled my business to 6-figures without a website or paid ads! All while still working a full time job!
In 2019, I left my full time job to go all in on my purpose and passion. 
Since then, I have served over 1,000 women through my courses, group programs, and mastermind.

But my journey was not always sunshine and rainbows, even though I live in Hawaii!


As someone who has an open G center- which is the identity center in the Human Design system, I can be a bit of a chameleon.


I can change my personality to fit into any social situation and I can make friends with just about anyone.


With having an undefined G-center, I don’t have a consistent sense of identity and it can take time to really discover my true purpose (especially with also having a 6/2 profile).


I’ve spent the majority of my life searching for who I was.  I so desperately wanted to be seen and accepted.


But deep down, I believed that I wasn’t good enough as I was.


I thought that something about me had to change in order to be worthy of the life I desired.


These shadows followed me into my early years as an entrepreneur.


I felt as though I had to be like all the other coaches I saw crushing it on Instagram if I wanted to be successful.


I crafted my message around what they were saying rather than speaking my authentic truth.


I created programs I wasn’t passionate or excited about just because I saw another coach have a successful launch with a similar program.


I started a free Facebook group, ran free 5-day challenges, spent weeks promoting free webinars that never converted to paying clients, and spent hundreds of hours on sales calls NOT because I wanted to but because I was told these things were necessary to make it in the online space…...




I believed there must be one secret strategy that I was missing or some other action step I wasn’t taking.


And once I discovered what that was, I would finally achieve the huge launches and monthly income I saw everyone else bragging about online. 


I invested in programs and coaches that were not the right fit because I so desperately thought they must have the answers.  They must know the secret strategy I have yet to discover.


But all those choices only resulted in me being more in debt, less clear on my message and purpose, burnt out, overwhelmed, and second guessing every decision I made.


I discovered Human Design in 2019 at a time where I was really struggling to feel confident in my ability.


Discovering Human Design liberated my true self from the shackles of constantly feeling like I was not enough or fear that if I stood in my power I would be too much.


I uncovered all of the ways that I had been acting from fear, scarcity, and my shadows.


I reconnected with my highest self and started following her guidance rather than the voice of my ego


I developed a deep trust within myself, with God and the Universe


Most importantly,  I uncovered MY NAKED TRUTH:  the real me when I stripped down all of the conditioning of who I thought I “should be” and finally gave myself permission to be my authentic self.


As a result of doing the unsexy work of looking at my shadows and the ways I had been showing up out of alignment, my business completely transformed.


I went from rollercoaster monthly revenue in 2019 that ranged from $3,000 to $11,000 to consistent 5-figure months and multiple 5-figure launches in 2020.


In the first 2 months of 2021 alone, my business has generated over $95k in revenue!


I’ve expanded my team to include 4 incredible support coaches and a full time online business manager.


The secret was not some special strategy or doing more externally. 


The secret to making quantum leaps in my business is ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT. 


Through becoming more and more of my true and authentic self, my business has grown in ways that I only dreamed of a year ago.  


And instead of pushing and forcing these things to happen, they have come through opening myself up to receive and becoming an energetic match for everything I desire. 


This shift has brought so much more bliss, joy, and freedom than ever before. 


And the same is possible for you inside The Embodied Sisterhood 



This is my SOUL'S WORK


Helping soul-driven service providers like yourself aspire to greatness, expand into your highest self, and transmute challenges into opportunities for growth is my zone of genius.


This is my Human Design chart.

My Life’s Work (conscious Sun) is gate 54, the gate of ambition and divine inspiration.

I am here to be a steward of divine inspiration and to give you permission to be ambitious and manifest your soul’s desires. 

My Purpose (unconscious Earth) is gate 42, the gate of conclusion/ finishing things.   

My purpose is less about what I am here to do and more about the level of consciousness I bring to my life’s work.

The gift frequency of this gate is EXPANSION. 
Through finishing things, you create more space in your life for something new to expand.  
As your business expands, you also expand your capacity to receive- this is how you create a sustainable business.  
I bring this consciousness of expansion into my life’s work of giving you permission EXPAND your ambition and DREAM BIGGER.  
There is no playing small when you are in my energy.

My Vocation (unconscious Mars) is gate 47, the gate of mindset.  

This is a core talent that I bring to my life’s work. 


Gate 47 is all about your ability to not allow inspiration to die because you don’t know “how” you’re going to make it a reality.  


This Gene Key is a part of the Ring of Alchemy.  “Alchemy is the natural destiny of human beings who live their life totally, embracing everything and holding nothing back.”


A core-talent that I bring to my life’s work is helping you alchemize your old stories, shadows, and limiting beliefs into your gifts and superpowers.

I have an open throat center.
Because of this, I am able to reflect and amplify your message.  This is powerful in helping you get clarity around the messaging and marketing of your offers.
I also have an undefined G-center.
This center is responsible for our sense of self, identity, and life direction. 


With having this undefined, I am able to reflect and amplify your authentic self and identity so you can show up as your true self and gain clarity on your life’s purpose.

This is why helping my clients aspire to greatness, expand into their highest self, and transmute challenges into opportunities for growth is what I was born to do!  
It is something that brings me so much joy and fulfillment and I cannot wait to share these gifts with you inside The Embodied Sisterhood.

This is why helping my clients aspire to greatness, expand into their highest self, and transmute challenges into opportunities for growth is what I was born to do!


It is something that brings me so much joy and fulfillment and I cannot wait to share these gifts with you inside The Embodied Sisterhood.


Meet Your Support Coaches

When you join The Embodied Sisterhood you’ll receive support from not just me, but 4 other support coaches.

Lucie is the lead support coach and hosts an monthly embodiment call every month. She is here to support you in finding your own unique voice, unleashing your creative expression and connecting you with your power of imagination. 


You came here with a super power and it is Lucie’s passion to bring that into the world with you.


The intention of our monthly embodiment calls is to deepen what we learned throughout this powerful journey in the Embodied Sisterhood Mastermind and integrate it into our bodies on a cellular level, while releasing any kind of blockages that show up along the way. 


With the help of breath work, vocal toning, guided meditation and short one on one intuitive energy healing in a group setting we will bring your knowledge from your head into your heart and connect you to your heart. 


Lucie’s background is in theatre, Gestalt-Therapy, music and art and has had the privilege to study the healing power of sound and frequency with amazing teachers around the world. 


Her intention is to provide a safe container for healing and transformation. 


Lucie is originally from Hamburg Germany but currently lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with her husband, Matt and black lab, Bouncer.

Lucie’s Human Design Chart 

As a 1/3 Sacral Manifesting Generator, Lucie is here to help you feel safe taking bold action and stepping into the unknown.   


Her conscious Sun and Earth, gates 7 and 13 are connected to the true expression of leadership which is rooted in guidance and listening. 


She has a profound ability to listen to what your soul is trying to express and creates a space on her monthly embodiment calls to feel safe to express your soul’s message so you can become a more effective leader.

Steph is a multi-passionate Copywriter, Conversion Coach & Mentor for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Health & Wellness Coaches who are craving space to grow and evolve without the headache of a never-ending To Do List. 


She is here to support you in developing and perfecting your brand voice and increasing the impact of your content with your audience while creating massive revenue doing what you love.

Steph’s Human Design Chart 

As a 1/4 Refelector, Steph is here to act as a mirror to reflect the truth of you who are.  This is what makes her such an incredible copywriter- she is able to see your message, your voice, your identity, what lights you up and your emotions and translate that into content that converts! 


Her Purpose is in gate 8 whose gift is style.  Style is what makes you stand out from the crowd instead of trying to fit in.  This is the level of consciousness that she brings to the work she does as a copywriter.

Nicole’s superpower is money transformation.  She  went from in debt and financially stressed to raising her family’s liquid net worth to over a quarter of a million on an average yearly income of 57K per year. 


She helps high achievers crush their debt, save thousands, and become financially confident.


Nicole specializes in making money simple, negotiation mastery, and financial empowerment. 


She is the founder of Arise Financial Coaching and lives in Denver, CO with her husband and two children.

Nicole’s Human Design Chart 
Nicole is a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor.  Her superpower is initiating the flow of abundance into your life through empowering you with the tools to heal your relationship with money and take the necessary action to bring more money into your bank account. 


She has the 21/45 channel in her design which is known as the “money line.”  This channel is related to the ability to gather, protect & educate the tribe so it survives.  


Nicole is a beautiful expression of someone who is expressing this channel at a high frequency which manifests as  natural leadership and the gathering of resources for the greater good of the whole.  


She brings this energy into the work that she does within the mastermind to help you transform your own relationship with money so you can unlock true prosperity.

Often called a renaissance woman by their friends, VP Wright is a mother of two, author, serial creative entrepreneur, diversity, equity, and inclusion expert, anti-racism educator and certified life coach for creative entrepreneurs based out of houston, tx.


After completing their degree from washington state university, Wright began their journey in music business and entrepreneurship through her employment at cafeza, a multifaceted coffeeshop and music venue in the first ward.


Wright self-published her first chapbook, “You are enough: a tale of self-love and Healing” in may 2019, and in august 2019 launched her podcast and community “the Creative’s corner™️.”


Since launching their business, Wright has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs through 1:1, group, ecourses, and training containers, published two workbooks, “inclusive strategies for your coaching business” and “Instagram® for creatives.”


Wright has been featured in multiple publications for their work, including NPR, MSNBC, Now this Politics, Yahoo Finance, American Express, and Voyage houston.

VP’s Human Design Chart 

VP Wight is a 1/4 Sacral Generator.  Her superpower is helping you create an equitable and sustainable business and sell with integrity.  


Vee has the 26/44 channel which is all about selling with integrity.  Gate 26 is also her conscious Sun which makes up 70% of her personality and is her Life’s Work.  If there was a single gate that is responsible for sales it would be gate 26.


Gate 45 is her conscious Earth which grounds them in their Life’s Work.  Gate 45 is the gate of Distribution which is responsible for how you use your resources for the greater good of the whole.  


Vee is here to help you make more money so you can transform your own life but also create a more just and equal society for us all.  

They bring this energy into the work that they do within the mastermind to help you create businesses that actually make a difference in the world instead of contributing to the status quo. 


Watch this video to learn more about each one of these incredible women!
If you want to build a business that supports both your inner and outer growth, integrates spirituality + strategy, and guides you to embody your highest self, then this is the place where you want to be.

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